ponedjeljak, 17. prosinca 2012.


Gili Trawangan - backpackers paradise
Just a short boat ride from Bali we found our paradise, Gili islands. Gili Trawangan, Air and Meno are three small islands located near Lombok island. Gilis are a perfect place for backpackers who are looking for laid-back atmosphere! First thing we saw when we arrived on Gili Trawangan was a big Rastafarian flag above some bar and we knew we were at the right place!

Gili islands @ Indonesia
Smoking weed in Indonesia is highly forbidden, smuggling or selling any drugs is punishable by life in prison or death! But on Gili islands there is no police, no traffic, only sandy beach, the sun, the ocean, few bars and restaurants and that's more than you need for a perfect escape! Almost every bar on Gilis is playing reggae music and you can buy weed easily. Gili Air and Meno are even more relaxed than Trawangan, and there you can really isolated yourself from civilization and enjoy tropical paradise!

On Gili Trawangan you can find lots of accommodation, mostly bungalows from really cheap ones to luxury bungalows with swimming pool. We had a 20€ budget for accommodation per person per night and for that price we found amazing bungalow with delicious breakfast included!

Gili Trawangan @ Indonesia

Chillin @ Gilis in Indonesia
There is lots of local guys selling pearls on the beach for really cheap price! Pearls are real and naturally grown around Lombok island. They sell all different types of jewellery and  it is a nice souvenir from Gilis. Accept pearls, Lombok is also known for craaaazy mushrooms and you can legally try a mushroom shake all over Indonesia, one of the best also on Gili Trawangan. There is few very cozy mushroom bars right on the beach where you can start your psychedelic journey.

You can rent a bike and explore the island! On the other side of Gili Trawangan there is nobody and it is a beautiful spot for a romantic sunset on the beach!

Relaxed Gilis @ Indonesia


Our real south-east Asian adventure started when we arrived in Indonesia to Bali. Bali is one of 17.508 islands in Indonesia and it is Hindu island in Muslim country.
Bali - the paradise in South East Asia
We came to Bali because we wanted to visit our friend Bere. He is Croatian, but he found his home far from Croatia, in surfers paradise where he is living for last 12 years. When we arrived at Denpasar airport Bere picked us up and drove us to beautiful bungalows where we were situated for the next two weeks. As soon as we left our backpacks we wanted to go to explore the Island of Gods. The best way to do it is to rent a scooter! You can get it for 2€ per day, just beware of crazy traffic! Thanx to our friend Bere and his girlfriend Aleksandra we visited some amazing places on Bali and they gave us lots of tips and advices about traveling around the island.


Monkey Forest @ Ubud, Bali
UBUD- is located in the central part of Bali, less than 1 hour ride from Kuta. Ubud is a cultural center of Bali, charming place with interesting streets where you can find all kinds of artwork and souvenirs. When you are in Ubud don't miss Monkey Forest where you can meet the friendliest monkeys ever! This ones will not still your sunglasses and you can make some great photos here! Just a short ride from Ubud and we found unreal place, Goa Gajah rain forest where Elephant Cave is located. We were very impressed by the whole forest and how peaceful it was. We were just wondering around and we saw so  many things, some ruined temple, naked women taking a bath in the river, a huge spider on Roby's head and a old guy who was very friendly and so happy when he saw my camera. Ubud is also famous for beautiful rice fields and that's one more reason to visit Ubud!
Pura Besakih - symbol of Bali
PURA BESAKIH- is a complex of 22 temples and a symbol of Bali located in the east part of the island. It took us around 2 hour with a scooter to get to the Temple. The ride is also very interesting and you can always turn from the main road and end up in a village. At the entrance they try to charge us the ticket to visit Pura Besakih because it was some "special ceremony" going on and we were not able to enter without the ticket. You can just pretend stupid and keep saying "Yes, yes..thank you! Ok!" and just walk away. It worked for us! ;) In front of the Temple there is lots of guides offering a tours. That's not bad idea at all! For just 1€ we got a nice story about the Temple and Hinduism. The tour guide answered every question we had about their culture and religion. On the way back a big storm caught us! So go to visit Pura Besakih as early as possible so that you can avoid common afternoon showers!

Dreamland beach on Bali - surfers paradise
DREAMLAND BEACH- is one of the most famous surfer beaches in the world! If you are visiting Bali it is a must do to surf some waves! A perfect spot for surfing is a sandy Dreamland beach where you can cheaply rent a surf board! After drowning experience you can relax at the best bar & restaurant in Bali El Kabron,  situated above Dreamland beach on the cliff. If you add a white stone swimming pool and cozy atmosphere you'll get a perfect spot for watching a sunset. It was really perfect!

ULU WATU- is a unique temple located on the cliff. Every day at 5:30 p.m. you can go to see traditional Kecak dance performed near Ulu Watu temple. Kecak dance is impressive Balinese dance performed mostly by men chanting "cak" and shaking their arms and bodies.  Kecak dance is originally trance dance transformed into drama, telling a story from Ramayana.

There is so many more beautiful places to visit on Bali, but in limited amount of time you can see it all so this are my favorite places!

- It really depend on what places you want to visit in Bali! You can stay at on place and every day do a day trip with a scooter or you can do a road trip and every day stay at different place! 
Palm Merah bungalows @ Seminyak, Bali

SEMINYAK- is located near Kuta, but it is not that crowded and built up! We found amazing bungalows with swimming pool for 15€ per person per day! The place is called "Villa Palm Merah" and it is located in interesting area full of restaurants, shops and bars.
 KUTA- is the craziest place on Bali, full of clubs, bars, loud music and drunk Aussies, if you are a party animal that's a perfect spot for you!


El Kabron restaurant & bar @ Bali
EL KABRON- located above the Dreamland beach on the cliff (Jl. Pantan Cemongkak, Pecatu) it offers variety of international food with a Spanish touch and the best sunset view on Bali!
PILI-PILI-  is a buffet style restaurant where you can find delicious Indonesian and international food. It is situated on Jl. Merthanadi 63 in Seminyak.
WARUNG MURAH- this is a small local restaurant in Seminyak where you will find authentic and cheap food.
Delicious Indonesian food

THE JUNCTION-  is a modern and stylish restaurant in Seminyak (Jalan Kayu Aya) where you can have a international or traditional Indonesian meal in nicely decorated interior.

PUNDI-PUNDI- is a beautiful restaurant in Ubud where you can enjoy Asian cousine and a nice view on the rice field in front (Pengosekan steet).


- Rent a scooter! It is the best way to visit Bali, just be careful about hectic traffic! You should also ware  helmet and have international driving license. If you don't have a license you can cheaply buy a fake one, specially in Bangkok! You can do a trip an scooter around the island and one of the best road trips around Bali is: South Bali - Ubud - Jatiluwih - Bedugul - Munduk - Lovina - Kubutambahan - Mt.Batur - Bangli - Pura Besakih- Rengan - Amlapura

Rambutan & salak - exotic Indonesian fruit
- When traveling around Bali don't miss delicious and traditional Balinese and Indonesian food! You can find nasi goreng or soto ayam in every restaurant (warung) in Bali. I can still taste rambutan or salak (snake fruit) in my mouth and i miss that exotic taste of Bali.

- When entering the temple you'll have to be dressed properly! In front of the temple there is always some people offering a sarong free of charge.

- Often you can find a ceremony going on on the beach or in the temple. Join the local people for celebrating a special day or an opening of the new temple, it will be a unique experience!

Backpacking Bali, South East Asia
- Learn a few basic Indonesian words like thank you = terima kasi  and you're welcome = sama sama, it will help you to interact with local community and everybody appreciates when you are trying to learn their language! 

- Bali is an island of smiles so leave your problems at home, pack your love and happiness and go to explore Bali! ;)

I love Bali

utorak, 11. prosinca 2012.

SINGAPORE - western country in South-East Asia


Back on the road! This time Roby and me are going to the Southeast Asia! Our journey to Southeast Asia began in Singapore. Singapore was our transfer point between Paris and Bali, but we had a few days to explore Singapore. Singapore is westernized city-state, everybody speaks English, signs are on English, skyscrapers and business towers in the center, high-tech environment! 

Marina Bay, Singapore
  • Marina bay
  • Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple
  • Singapore flayer (30 SGD)
  • Chinatown
  • Little India
  • Esplanade
  • Zoo/Night Safari

CURRENCY IN SINGAPORE = Singaporean dollar SGD
1 SGD = 0,6 €
1 SGD = 0,8 $

Singapore flayer
I can highly recommend to stay at Fernloft hostel in Little India. It was a nice hostel, with a friendly atmosphere, lovely staff and clean facilities.  Hostel offers a free breakfast and free Wi-Fi & Internet. On the ground floor there is a nice bar & reception and a little outdoor terrace. They also have a massage chair which was amazing after a long trip! Fernloft India is a excellent place to stay in Singapore!

Singapore, South East Asia 

If you are looking for a cheap and delicious food in Singapore, Mustafa center is a perfect place for you! Around Mustafa center in Little India you can find many Indian restaurants and shops. If you are looking for more western type of food, you can go to the City Green Mall where you can find many restaurants and fast food!

Signs in Singapore
 What we didn't like about Singapore are all the restriction signs on the street! You can't fucking do anything! NO SMOKING! NO FISHING! NO BIKE! NO RUNNING! And wherever you go there is a voice navigating you! WTF? Also, when you are waiting on a traffic lights, there is sing "PUSH FOR THE GREEN MAN!" Really? Some of those signs are helpful but that's just too much!

Singapore was very interesting but expensive experience. We visited Singapore twice on this trip, on the beginning and on the end of our journey. Count on the "western" prices in Singapore! We were  almost hungry on the way back! Roby and me shared a last cigarette on the roof of Singapore Airport, waiting for the flight to reality!

srijeda, 25. travnja 2012.


U prosincu, moj dečko Robach i ja, smo se odlučili na putovanje u jugoistočnu Aziju! Mjesec dana uživancije, istraživanja  uobičajenih turističkih ruta, ali i skretanja sa njih na one nepoznate koje hrane naš avanturistički duh!
Tradicionalan balinežanski Kecak ples u hramu Ulu Watu na Baliju, Indonezija

Šuma majmuna u gradu Ubud na Baliju, Indonezija
Prvo smo trebali naći jeftin let do Azije. Najjeftiniji se ispostavio let Zagreb-Singapur preko Pariza koji smo rezervirali preko eDreams-a, a povratna karta za jednu osobu iznosila je 593 €. S obzirom da je Singapur bio najjeftinije odredište (za let!), odlučili smo i njega uključiti na listu zemalja koje ćemo posjetiti. Iako smo odmah znali da se nećemo dugo zadržavati u Singapuru. Razmišljali smo kamo dalje...Malezija, Tajland, Filipini, Vijetnam, možda Papua Nova Gvineja? Za sljedeću destinaciju odabrali smo Indoneziju! 

Tamo smo mislili provesti oko dva tjedna i od toga veliku većinu na otoku Baliju. Na Baliju živi naš prijatelj Beri sa svojom dragom Saškom, gdje uživa u tropskom raju, surfa, piše knjige i živi svoj san!
Djeca sudjeluju u ceremoniji na plaži na Baliju, Indonezija
Bali je najbolje istražiti na motoru, koji je jako jeftin za iznajmiti  (15 kn dnevno), ali i vožnja motora u jugoistočnoj Aziji nije zezancija! Promet je kaotičan i postoje neka druga pravila kojih se morate pridržavati da bi preživjeli. Osim Balija, željeli smo posjetiti još neki otok u Indoneziji. Ima ih mnogo i svaki je poseban na svoj način. U svoje sljedeće putovanje u jugoistočnu Aziju definitivno bih uključila i Sumatru u Indoneziji! Ukoliko ste željni avanture, veselog ste duha, backpacker koji traži svoje tropsko utočište, onda je Sumatra idealno mjesto za vas! Otok još nije toliko turistički razvijen, nažalost 2004. je tsunami preplavio cijelu Sumatru, a posljedice se osjete još i danas. Pokrajina Aceh je poznata po uzgoju marihuane, pa za one koji vole i zapaliti ovo je idealno mjesto za njih! I vjerojatno jedino mjesto u jugoistočnoj Aziji gdje to možete nesmetano i bezbrižno napraviti. Osim Sumatre, razmišljali smo i o Javi i prekrasnim hramovima Prambanan i Borobudur, o Komodo otoku i varanima koji tamo žive, o vulkanskom Lomboku, a na kraju smo se odlučili za Gili otok Trawangan. 

Gili Trawangan u Indoneziji
Gili je skupina od tri otočića koji se nalaze pokraj Lombok: Gili Trawangan, Meno i Air. Sva tri otoka su mala, na njima nema puno ljudi, buke, nema prometa, jedino prevozno sredstvo je bicikl i možete sami uživati na nevjerojatnim koraljnim plažama u divnom zalazku sunca nad oceanom. Na otoku se nalazi par odličnih restorana, prelijepih bungalova, desetak reggae barova, nekoliko mushroom barova, prekrasne plaže, osvježavajući sokovi od tropskog voća, indonezijska hrana, koraljni grebeni i što još možete poželiti??? Gili otoci su definitivno raj na zemlji i nikako ih nemojte propustiti posjetiti ako se nađete u blizini Indonezije!  Let od Singapura do Balija smo našli preko AirAsia za 90 € po osobi. Osim Air Asie jeftine letove u jugoistočnoj Aziji možete tražiti i na: Tiger Airways, Singapore Air, Thai Air, Cebu Pacific Air. Bitno je da let rezervirate barem mjesec dana prije!

Phi Phi otok na Tajlandu
Nakon Balija, odlučili smo otići na Tajland. E sad! Nemamo puno vremena, željeli bismo posjetiti jedan ili dva otoka i Bangkok. S obzirom da smo išli na Tajland u prosincu, zbog vremena smo htjeli izbjeći Tajlandski zaljev i otići na neki otok u blizini poznatog Phuketa. Osim toga, najjeftiniji let s Balija je bio za Phuket koji nas je koštao 70 € po osobi preko AirAsie. U Phuketu smo odlučili provesti dan-dva i zaputiti se dalje prema nekom manjem otoku. Da smo na Tajland išli u neko drugo doba godine vjerojatno bi odabrali Koh Tao. Na kraju smo se odlučili za Koh Phi-Phi i nismo požalili! Bojali smo se da će taj otok biti nakrcan turistima i da će nam to ići na živce. Otok je bio prepun ljudi, ali to su uglavnom bili mladi i zabavni ljudi iz cijelog svijeta koji su se odlično zabavljali! Na cijelom otoku je bila baš pozitivna atmosfera, party na plaži je trajao do dugo u noć, priroda i cijelo okruženje je bilo nevjerojatno, tako da smo i produžili naš ostanak na Koh Phi Phiju za nekoliko dana. To su zapravo dva otoka Phi-Phi Don i  Phi-Phi Leh. Koh Phi Phi Leh je postao popularan kada je tamo snimljen film "The Beach" s Leonardom DiCaprijom. I moram reći kako je otok posve nestvaran, te je jedna od najljepših uspomena koje imam s ovog azijskog putovanja. Mi smo bili smješteni na Donu, jer na Lehu nema smještaja čime se pokušava očuvati zapanjujuća priroda otoka. Koh Phi-Phi Don je već uništen prekomjernom i nekontroliranom izgradnjom na otoku, kada su tamo pohrlile horde backpackera, a poslije i turista nakon što se otok proslavio u filmu. Nakon Phi-Phija zaputili smo se brodom do Krabija, pa busom do Bangkoka i tako je završio naš beach life, a počela jedna potpuno drugačija avantura. U Bangkoku smo proveli par dana, a onda se busom zaputili prema Kambodži jer nismo našli jeftine letove iz Bankoka do Siem Reapa

Long boat je jedino prijevozno sredstvo na Koh Phi Phiju

Kompong Pluk "plutajuće" selo u Kambodži
Prelazak same granice bio je veoma zanimljiv i uzbudljiv, pomalo zastrašujući! Pokušavaju vas prevariti na svakom koraku , i u tome su vrlo vješti, a na posebnom oprezu morate biti na izlasku iz Tajlanda. Čim smo ušli u Kambodžu shvatili smo da je to jedan potpuno drugačiji svijet. Kambodža je bila drugačija i od Tajlanda i od Indonezije, vjerojatno zato jer je daleko siromašnija i sve te materijalne stvari nisu još imale prilike iskvariti stanovništvo. Međutim, siromaštvo koje tamo vlada je strašno, ljudi nemaju osnovne uvjete za život, nemaju nikakvo znanje ili vještine koje bi im mogle pomoći u preživljavanju. U cijeloj toj situaciji najviše ispaštaju djeca, a čak njih 20.000 u Kambodži živi na ulici, prepušteni su sami sebima! Neka djeca imaju sreće, pa dospiju u jedno od sirotišta, a samo u Siem Reapu takvih sirotišta ima dvjestotinjak! Neka od njih zaista brinu o djeci, dok druga iskorištavaju tu djecu na razne načine, kako bi na njima zaradili novac. Ukoliko ćete posjetiti Kambodžu to će vas iskustvo definitivno promijeniti i oplemeniti, te ćete vjerojatno više cijeniti sve ono što imate kod kuće. Nakon Kambodže busom smo se vratili do Bangkoka odkud smo ponovno našli jeftin let za Singapur (110 € po osobi preko AirAsie), a iz Singapura smo letili natrag za Zagreb preko Pariza.

Krokodili u Kamodži
U mjesec dana, na našem putovanju u jugoistočnu Aziju, posjetili smo četiri zemlje: Singapur, Indoneziju, Tajland i Kambodžu. Na avionske karte, na koje je otišao velik dio našeg budžeta potrošili smo ukupno 872 € po osobi! A da bi se uputili na ovakav put potrebne su vam i vize!!!

Hrvatski državljani ne trebaju vizu za Singapur, dovoljna je povratnu avionsku kartu i putovnicu koja vrijedi još minimalno 6 mjeseci. Za Tajland viza je potrebna, a možete ju napraviti u Veleposlanstvu u Gundulićevoj 18, od ponedjeljka do petka u terminu 9-13h. Izrada vize traje jedan dan, a potrebna vam je jedna fotografija, putovnica i kopija putovnice, te povratna karta. Viza za Tajland košta 30 € po ulasku, dakle double entry je 60 €. Vizu za Indoneziju je bilo malo teže dobiti. Naime, u Hrvatskoj nije moguće napraviti vizu za Indoneziju, nego morate ići u Budimpeštu ili sve dokumente poslati poštom. Međutim, kada smo mi radili vizu, rekli su kako će od 01.01.2012. biti moguće vizu napraviti i u Hrvatskoj, pa se nadam da se to i ostvarilo! Vizu za Kambodžu možete napraviti na samoj granici za 20 USD, ali to je jedna posebna avantura koju možete pročitati u sljedećem postu!

El Kabron bar na Dreamland plaži, Bali, Indonezija
Što se tiče smještaja, mi smo rezervirali jedino Singapur, a sve smo ostalo tražili na licu mjesta i mislim da smo super prošli! U Singapuru smo prvo odsjeli u Betel Box hostelu, zatim u mnogo boljem Fernoft Little India hostelu i to smo rezervirali preko Hostelworlda. Na Baliju nam je naš prijatelj našao predivne bungalove "Villa Palm Merah" s bazenom za samo 15 € po osobi po danu, a nalaze se u Seminyaku pokraj poznate Kute. Na Gili otocima smo našli nevjerojatne bungalove koji su se nalazili dva metra od plaže za 20 € po osobi s uključenim doručkom, što je još skupo za Indoneziju, ali su bungalovi bili zaista savršeni, a doručak božanstven! Na Phuketu smo odsjeli u nekom hostelu, koji nas se nije previše dojmio, a to je bio jedini slobodan hostel, sve ostalo je bilo popunjeno! Tako da ukoliko idete na Phuket, bilo bi dobro da smještaj rezervirate unaprijed! Na Koh Phi-Phiju smo odsjeli u bungalovima s najboljim pogledom na otoku, koje nam je našao neki mladi Tajlanđanin kojeg smo upoznali na brodu, a koštali su oko 15 € po osobi s uključenim doručkom. U Bangkoku smo imali više sreće nego pameti, pa smo u 5 ujutro, nakon burno provedenih 12 sati drndajući se u pokvarenom busu koji je prokišnjavao, tražili smještaj u Kao San najpoznatijoj backpakerskoj ulici u Bangkoku. Naletili smo na super hotel, gdje smo našli smještaj u privatnoj sobi s kupaonicom za 15 € po osobi s uključenim doručkom. U Siem Reapu u Kambodži su svi hosteli bili popunjeni kad smo došli, pa smo se vozikali uokolo s taksijem u potrazi za smještajem. Na kraju smo našli pristojan hotel za 15 USD po osobi u privatnoj sobi s kupaonicom i uključenim doručkom, tu smo mogli i bolje proći, ali nakon napornog putovanja smjestili smo se u prvi slobodni hotel. Ovisno o vašem budžetu i standardima smještaja koji su za vas prihvatljivi u svim navedenim zemljama smještaj možete naći već od 3-4 € (osim u Singapuru). Hrana u svim ovim zemljama je nevjerojatno ukusna i jeftina, tako da već za euro možete pojesti indonezijsko, tajlađansko, sumatransko, kambodžansko, vijetnamsko, indijsko ili drugo jelo, mogućnosti su bezbrojne! S jako malo novaca možete jako dugo preživjeti u jugoistočnoj Aziji! A sada put pod noge!
Zalazak sunca na plaži u Seminyaku, Bali, Indonezija

petak, 30. ožujka 2012.

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S NOT A HOTEL? Funk Lounge gives to all travelers a first-class Zagreb experience at budget prices.

Funk Lounge hostel in Zagreb, Croatia
Funk Lounge is modern & stylish hostel

With the highest standards of quality, cleanliness, security, comfort and style, Funk Lounge is the perfect accommodation during your visit to Zagreb. All private rooms and dorms are air-conditioned, have en suite bathrooms and key card hostel entry and room access. Our hostel is centrally located and within a walking distance to "Old Town of Zagreb" and Zagreb's most beautiful park "Maksimir", city ZOO and “Dinamo” football stadium. With the transportation right to our doorstep, Zagreb is accessible and easy for you to explore!

Funk Lounge also offers bed & breakfast, half-board and full-board service. If you want to try delicious and cheap traditional Croatian food, our hostel's bar & restaurant is a perfect place for you! Funk restaurant's menu consist of varied mix of global cuisine with a touch of classic croatian food, designed to satisfy travellers from around the world. Don't forget to try “rakija” shoot and cheap but excellent Croatian beer in our hostel's bar!


- free internet & Wi-Fi
Funk Lounge hostel's restaurant
- free welcome “rakija” shot in our hostel's bar
- free individual lockers
- free towels, linens and sheets
- free maps & brochures of Zagreb
- free advices & tips about Zagreb
- free Cable TV & DVD collection
- free soaps and shower gels
- free use of fully equipped kitchen
- 24 hour reception
- no curfew, no lockout
- bed, bed & breakfast, full-board and half-board service
- hostel's restaurant & bar
- delicious and cheap traditional Croatian food in hostel's restaurant

Funk Lounge gives first class Zagreb expericence

OFF SEASON (1st Oct-31st May):
- 6-bed dorm:   97.5 kn - 13 €
- 4-bed dorm:   112.5 kn - 15 €
- 3-bed dorm:   127.5 kn - 17 €
- 2-bed room:   150 kn - 20 €

HIGH SEASON ( 1st Jun-31st Sep + 28th Dec-2nd Jan):
- 6-bed dorm:   135 kn - 18 €
- 4-bed dorm:   150 kn - 20 €
- 3-bed dorm:   165 kn - 22 €
- 2-bed room:   210 kn - 28 €

YOU CAN BOOK HOSTEL booking@funklounge.hr

četvrtak, 15. ožujka 2012.

ARE YOU GOING TO VISIT ZAGREB IN CROATIA? You don't know what to see or what things to do in Zagreb? Here are some great tips, recommendations and advices to make your stay a great experience!

Zagreb souvenir- Licitar hearts, photo by Carly Ro

Zagreb is a capital city of Croatia and in 2011 is pronounced as one of the most boring city in Europe! ZAGREB IS NOT BORING!!! Here we will show you the funkiest side of Zagreb!

Sightseeing in Zagreb
Ban Jelacic square is the main square and it is also the heart of Zagreb! From there you can already see beautiful towers of Zagreb's Cathedral, one of the most important symbol of christian religion in Croatia. Zagreb's cathedral is built in neo-gothic style and it's a must see in Zagreb!
Zagrebs Cathedral, photo by Robert Karabaic

St.Marko church, Zagreb by Rob

In the upper town of Zagreb there is lots of sights to see and tourist attractions. St. Marko's church is very unique with Croatian symbols on the roof, it is also a symbol of Zagreb.  The Lotrscak Tower dates from 13th century and don't miss to visit it at noon, when the cannon is fired every day! One of the most attractive and romantic walking paths in Zagreb is the Strossmayer's promenade located at the upper town of Zagreb. From there you can see all of Zagreb and take a photo with a sculpture of our well known poet  A.G.Matos, who is sitting on the bench at the Strossmayers promenade.

The Zagreb Funicular is connecting Ilica street with Strossmayers promenade in the upper town of Zagreb. The Zagreb Funicular is one of the shortest public-transport funiculars in the world! It was built in 1890 and today ride cost only 50 cent! You can have a break from sightseeing in the most famous bar street in Zagreb- „Tkalca“. Tkalciceva street is also known as a creek street, because in the past there was a creek flowing  thru! In the past it was also well-known bordel street where one of the world's oldest job was taking a place! At Tkalciceva street no. 52 is our „Funk club“ where all guest can enjoy their free welcome rakija shot!

Croatian National Theater is situated at lower town of Zagreb. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in Zagreb. At the entrance of the theater is located the famous  wall fountain „The Source of Life“ , designed by Croatian artist Ivan Mestrovic. Downtown parks in Zagreb are a part of Lenuci's green horseshoe. Parks consist of many fountains, benches and sculptures, so you can relax and enjoy in Zagreb's history!

Museums in Zagreb
Zagreb is the city with the most museums in the entire world!  Zagreb, also known as the city of museums, is a home of many different museums, but the most unique and interesting one is Museum of Broken Relationships, situated in the upper town of Zagreb. Every year there is Night of Museum around Croatia, when all entries to museums are free!

Nightlife & clubs in Zagreb
Zagreb is one 10 the best cities in Europe to enjoy cheap drinks! Normal price of 0,5 l of beer cost around 2 € and shot of traditional rakija cost around 1,5 €.

rakija is traditional shot in Croatia
                - 0,5 l beer: 1,5 €
                - rakija shot: 1,2 €
                - 0,5 l beer: 1,5 €
                - rakija shot: 1,2 €
                - 0,5 l beer: 2 €
                - rakija shot: 1,2 €

Zagreb is a hometown to one of the best European music festivals- Inmusic festival! Inmusic festival is an open-air music festival which is happening every year in June on Zagreb's lake Jarun. Zagreb also has hundreds of bars and clubs all over the city. Most popular bar street in Zagreb is „Tkalca“, where our Funk club is situated. The best clubbing is definitely on the lake „Jarun“.
Funk club in Zagreb, Tkalciceva 52
- Purgeraj
- Kset

Restaurants & food in Zagreb
Funk Lounge hostel's restaurant - traditional Croatian food
Croatian cuisine is not world famous but you will be surprised how good we eat here! Dalmatian smoked ham (prosciutto), skewers „raznjici“, octopus salad, Zagreb's steak,  stewed beans, Croatian fish dish „brodet“ or amazing „pasticada“, excellent desserts like „kremsnita“ or „strukli“ are a must when you are in Croatia!
If you want to try delicious and cheap traditional Croatian food, Funk Lounge restaurant is a perfect place for you! Funk restaurant menu consist of a classic Croatian food and a varied mix of global cuisine, designed to satisfy travelers from around the world.
Traditional food in Zagreb restaurant is pretty cheap, of course it depends on what you are eating. Food price range is from 3,5 €- 10 € per meal. But In Funk restaurant you can find our fresh and daily offer of delicious dishes from 2 €!

Outdoor activities in Zagreb
During the summer (from May- September), when temperature in Zagreb gets high as 35'c, you can relax and take a swim in one of the two beautiful lakes in Zagreb- „Jarun“ and „Bundek“. On the lake „Jarun“ is the best nightlife & clubs in Zagreb, and during the day you can sunbath on one of the terrace of many Jarun's bars & clubs.
Skiing & snowboarding in Zagreb on mountain Sljeme
During the winter (from December-February) you can go skiing or snowboarding on Zagreb's mountain „Sljeme“. It only takes 20 min by tram to get fom the city center of Zagreb to the mountain. From that point you have to take bus or a chairlift to get to the top of the mountain „Sljeme“. Zagreb is the only capital city that hosts World Championship Skiing Race, know as Snow Queen Trophy.

When visiting Zagreb you can take a break in one of the many Zagreb's parks. Most beautiful and most famous park in Zagreb is „Maksimir park“, situated only 10 min by foot from our Funk Lounge hostel.

Film festivals & culture events in Zagreb
Croats love good movies and Zagreb is a home to many film festivals: Zagreb Film Festival, Human Rights Film Festival, Jewish Film Festival, Animafest, ZagrebDox, One take film festival, Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival, 25FPS, Subversive Film Festival, Screen on the Green, Pssst!, Festivan of Croatian Animated Movie, RAF- Amateur Movie Festival, Croatian Movie Days.

Every year in November there is a special night in Croatia, it is Night of Theaters when all plays are free and all theaters welcome their guests. Zagreb hosts many theater festivals and the interesting ones are: NuWrite Festival, Zagreb Theater Festival, Gavella's nights, TEST- International Festival of Student Theater and Eurokaz. Other interesting festivals in Zagreb are: Zagreb's Time Machine where you can have a chance to see how people lived in Zagreb many years ago, Orient Fest is a festival of oriental dances, Urban festival is international multimedial festival of contemporary art, Week if Contemporary Dance, Cest is d'Best is a international street festival, Summer on stross and many more!

Sport & recreation in Zagreb
In 2009. Zagreb hosted the World Handball Championship and for that purpose Arena Zagreb was built. Now there are many sports events and concerts organized in Arena Zagreb. Zagreb is also the only capital city that hosts World Championship Skiing Race, known as the Queen Snow Trophy on Zagreb's mountain „Sljeme“.  Zagreb Indoors is famuos international tennis tournament. Zagreb Meeting also known as „Hanzek“  was held for the first time in 1948. Blanka Vlasic is a trademark of Zagreb meeting.

On Zagreb's beautiful lake „Jarun“ many races are organized during spring and summer time. Hiking on the Zagreb's mountain „Sljeme“ will also be a nice training and you can also enjoy the fresh air, breathtaking nature and beautiful view from the top of the mountain. There is many ways of recreation in Zagreb. You can explore Zagreb on a bike, you can cheaply rent it form Funk hostel and Funk Lounge. Zagreb is a perfect city to explore on bike and riding a bike to the Lake „Jarun“ and around it will be amazing experience.

UTSH competition in Zagreb
If you like jogging, Sava river bank is a perfect place for it, specially in the sunset! You can also ride roller blades all over the city and specially on the lake „Jarun“. If you are aggressive roller or skater you can find many places in Zagreb to satisfy your need for good run. Popular places for skateboarding and in-line skating in Zagreb are: main ban Jelacic square, in front of Mimara museum, in front of Zagreb's „dzamija“, Zagreb outdoor skate park on the lake „Jarun“, outdoor skate park on „Spansko“, Zagreb indoor skate park and pool in Student centre. You can do lots of adventures sports in Zagreb like sky-diving, bungee jumping on the lake „Jarun“, climbing (indoor and outdoor), indoor carting arena on Zagreb's Fair, paintball for only 8 € per person, snowboarding on Zagreb's mountain „Sljeme“ from December-February.

Shopping in Zagreb
Radiceva street in Zagreb
There are many shopping malls in Zagreb, as well as many shopping streets . In Zagreb you can find all sorts of shops and brands. The best shopping center in Zagreb is Arena Zagreb. Other very popular shopping centres in Zagreb are: Avenue Mall, Importanne center on the main train station and the newest Garden Mall.

Ilica street is the longest street in Zagreb and also famuos shopping street, where you can find from handmade jewelry and brand shops to souvenirs shops. Some of the most famuos souvenirs to take home from Zagreb or Croatia are „licitar“ hearts, neck-tie, mechanical pen, exquisitely decorated cake of honey dough and „Sestine“ umbrella.

There are many farmers open market where you can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and meet at daily basis. The most famuos open markets in Zagreb are“Dolac“, situated next to the main square, „Trešnjevka market“ situated 10 min by foot from our Funk hostel and „Kvatrić“ open market is located only 10 min by foot from our Funk Lounge hostel. Second-hand stuff at very low prices you can find at „Britanski trg“ every Sunday or „Jakusevac“ also every Sunday. You have to go there early in the morning and you will find some amazing antique gifts or souvenirs from Zagreb!
Funk hostel in Zagreb, Croatia

by Anja, www.funkhostel.hr